This aims to advise people on the housing register on how to bid for properties.
You can only bid for properties if you are on the housing register.
You can only log in if you have received a band and your case has been activated- status LIVE
Enter your household id and password
Go to the account
Search for properties
Choose from the criteria, either by number of bedrooms, area or mobility category.
List of properties will come up when you click on search.
Click on place a bid if you would like to bid on a property of your choice
You can read the property overview, see the key facts of the property and see where it is located on the map.
Click on place a bid if you would like to bid on a property of your choice
Once you have placed a bid, you can see confirmation of when your bid has been placed
You can check your previous bids on on the ‘my previous bids tab’
Current bids
In your current bids – you can also withdraw a bid by clicking on the advert number and then clicking on withdraw a bid. See image below